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  • Wen-kuni Ceant

What’s really good with the state of politics in this country?

Politics in the United States is a conundrum that has plagued some of the brightest minds of our society for years. Throughout the years the questions have changed. For black and brown faces especially, the issues went from how do we get our rights to vote, to how to we get the young black and brown millennial to vote? Historically people of color have a speckled history of when comes to voting, filled with voter disenfranchisement and intimidation. Even the passage of the recent voter ID laws in some southern states begged the question of if the United States was indeed regressing in terms of voter rights? Although much of this can be considered speculation, what cannot be considered as such are the marked drops in millennial voting throughout the last couple of decades.

Millennials that look and think like us seem to be overwhelmingly underwhelmed by the system of politics in this country. I mean, to be honest, I was too…tired of seeing slain bodies on CNN and candidates that don’t represent what I stand for. I grew weary. I knew that although my forefathers fought for my right to vote and that I should practice my rights as a citizen, I felt disgusted and apprehensive about this entire system that seemed to exclude me and my voice. I was lamenting upon these issues to my close friend and sorority sister about my qualms with the political system. Her name was Jordan Wilson, a recent Howard graduate who was currently employed at the Harvard University Institute of Politics. The convo went something like this:

ME: Ugh, I’m sick of going to vote and not knowing half of the names on the ballot. How am I supposed to make an educated decision when I’ve never heard of half of these people?

Her: Girl, I know. Even the most educated of us seem to struggle with this issue.

Me: Well isn’t there or app or something for it?

Her: I mean, probably but I haven’t heard of any good ones.

Me: Well why don’t we make one.

From there an idea was born that has continued to gain speed and clout from that very day. Politicking was born-- a sociopolitical app that is directed specifically toward millennials of color and other constituencies that are often disengaged from the political conversation. Politicking is more than an application, it is a political revolution. It is answering the question that political strategists have posed for years—How do we connect with millennials on politics and how do we get them to vote? This question is only amplified when you add race into the dynamic. Each year millions of black, brown, Latino and Asian millennials avoid going for the polls due to two reasons 1) lack of information and 2) the notion that their vote does not matter. Politicking is the application and movement that will remind these millennials of color that there is power in number.

Wen-kuni Ceant is a Fulbright Scholar committed to closing the gaps in the political system as well as resolving health disparities in minority communities. Currently, Wen-kuni is preparing to start her Fulbright in Senegal where she will study health infrastructure and prepayment systems. Her interests include tech, travel, family and God. Wen-kuni is also the founder of Vacances Avec Moi, a travel concierge service dedicated to showing millennials the beauty of the island of Haiti. Wen-kuni is the co-founder of Politicking. To get more information about Politicking please visit the website. For more information on her other ventures feel free to follow her on IG @winnietheish @vam509 @politickingtheapp. Email her at

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